jug.ch – Mutants to the rescue – How effective are your unit tests?


wann 11.03.2025 um 18 - 19:15 uhr
wo OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule Rosenbergstrasse 59, St.Gallen, Raum FZ 427, 4. Stock
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Unser Netzwerkpartner jug.ch lädt sie zum «Mutants to the rescue – How effective are your unit tests?»ein.

A Java 8 lambda and JobRunr is all you need for distributed (batch) processing!

  • LOCATION: St. Gallen
  • ROOM: OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Rosenbergstrasse 59, St.Gallen, Zimmer FZ 427, 4. Stock, Anreiseinformationen
  • KEYWORDS: Open Source, Testing, Tools
  • AGENDA: 18:00-19:15h: Talk incl. Q/A, nach dem Vortrag hast Du Gelegenheit, Dich mit dem Referenten und Berufskollegen bei einem reichhaltigen Apéro auszutauschen und zu vernetzen.

SPEAKER: Paco van Beckhoven   COMPANYHexagon

We write tests to tackle bugs, verify functionality and to ease maintenance.
Using code coverage as our metric we might deem ourselves safe and our tests flawless.
But how can we be sure that our tests are okay? The fact that tests cover the code doesn’t imply the code is working correctly.
A missing assertion can be an opening for a plethora of bugs!

In this talk we will enter the world of mutation testing.
By generating mutants, i.e., faulty versions of your code, we measure how tests perform in detecting bugs.
We will cover mutation tools, how they work, how to get started, how to integrate it in your builds and when you should consider it.

LANGUAGE: Talk: en / Slides: en

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Paco van Beckhoven is a passionate and experienced software engineer that likes to challenge the world and the software around him.
He’s working as a senior software engineer at Hexagon where his main focus is to improve the development process.
He regularly speaks at conferences to entertain, and more importantly, educate visitors on various topics with a focus on software quality.
After completing his master thesis on test effectiveness, he tries to get more people started with mutation testing.