Webnesday: Caching | Accessibility


wann 28.06.2023 um 19 - 22 uhr
wo frontify, unterstrasse 4, st.gallen
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Der vierte Webnesday im 2023 steht an. Der Event findet am 28. Juni 2023 um 19:00 bei Frontify an der Unterstrasse 4 statt.

Caching with Varnish: from web acceleration to content delivery | by Thijs von Varnish Software
When your website is under pressure due to a massive influx of traffic and a severe increase of concurrent requests, you are generally presented 2 options: optimize your stack or scale your infrastructure. Luckily there’s a third option and that is using a reverse caching proxy to offload the pressure from your origin servers. In this presentation I’ll introduce you to Varnish, a well-known and well respected HTTP cache. I’ll talk about common strategies to improve the performance of your website and to make it more resilient when the pressure is on. I’ll cover Varnish’s built-in features and capabilities, and we’ll focus heavily on Varnish’s built-in programming language called «Varnish Configuration Language» (VCL) that allows you to tailor the behavior of the cache to your exact needs. But as the domains of application of the HTTP protocol expand beyond basic websites, so do the acceleration solutions. In a globally connect world where end-user quality of experience is front end center, I’ll also show you how Varnish can be used to build an Edge CDN that accelerates websites, APIs and OTT video streaming platforms.

HTTP caching | by David von Liip
Whether you want browsers to cache, use a reverse proxy like Varnish or a CDN: It all begins with getting your caching headers right. After this talk you will know how to use the HTTP caching standards.

Accessibility in der Praxis | by Lidija von Frontify
Vor welchen technischen und organisatorischen Herausforderungen steht man, wenn eine Webapplikation barrierefrei werden soll? Und wie löst man sie?

Wie immer habt ihr nach den Talks noch Zeit, eure Ideen und Fragen bei einem Bier und Snack zu besprechen. Vielen Dank an Frontify fürs Sponsoring!

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